PSDI presented on the program's Agriculture Value Chain Financing work at the launch of the ADB’s "Asia Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Monitor 2023: How Small Firms Can Contribute to Resilient Growth in the Pacific Post COVID-19 Pandemic" in Sydney on 25 October 2023.
A large group of representatives, including government, business owners, and development partners gathered in Nuku’alofa, Tonga last week for the Tonga National Business Conference where PSDI presented the gender-inclusive private sector enabling environment framework assessment for Tonga.
A group of nearly 30 representatives from government and civil society gathered in Honiara, Solomon Islands on Friday 6 October for a workshop to review and validate the PSDI gender-inclusive private sector enabling environment framework assessment for Solomon Islands.
PSDI marked World Tourism Day on 27 September 2023 by attending the World Tourism Day Conference and Expo in Lae, Papua New Guinea, organized by the Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority and the Lae City Tourism Bureau.
PSDI experts have worked alongside Samoa’s Ministry of Public Enterprises to deliver a new framework for public-private partnerships, and the efficient provision of public services.
Two PSDI experts have addressed an ADB Asian Impact Webinar on the difficulties Pacific women face in achieving security in retirement.