PSDI Publications

Case Studies in Private Sector Participation: Solid Waste Management
February 2017 | Case Studies
Outlining the opportunities for private sector involvement in solid waste management in the Pacific.
Case Studies in Private Sector Participation: Water Supply Services
February 2017 | Case Studies
Outlining opportunities for private sector involvement in water and wastewater services in the Pacific.
Private Sector Assessment for Palau: Policies for Sustainable Growth Revisited
February 2017 | Private Sector Assessments
This provides offers recommendations needed to ensure the sustainability of Palau’s economy, which is threatened by current activities.
Business Law Reform
December 2016 | Infographics
This booklet illustrates PSDI’s Business Law Reform work and key achievements.
Financing Growth
December 2016 | Infographics
This brochure illustrates PSDI’s work and key achievements in its financing growth focus area.
Reforming State-Owned Enterprises
December 2016 | Infographics
This brochure illustrates PSDI’s work and key achievements in its state-owned enterprise and public-private partnerships focus area.
Credit Guarantees: Challenging Their Role in Improving Access to Finance in the Pacific Region
November 2016 | Books, Papers, and Reports
Challenging the idea that credit guarantees are the best approach to improving access to finance.
Creating Jobs in Samoa Through Public-Private Sector Partnerships
November 2016 | Case Studies
How private sector outsourcing improved employment, productivity and capacity at Samoa’s Public Works Department.
Pacific State-Owned Enterprise Reform
October 2016 | Books, Papers, and Reports
The guiding principles of PSDI’s state-owned enterprise reform work.
Finding Balance 2016: Benchmarking the Performance of State-Owned Enterprises in Island Countries
September 2016 | Finding Balance
Finding Balance 2016: Benchmarking the Performance of State-Owned Enterprises in Island Countries.
Digital Financial Services in the Pacific: Experiences and Regulatory Issues
March 2016 | Books, Papers, and Reports
PSDI approaches to digital financial services in the Pacific.
PSDI Annual Report 2014–2015
February 2016 | Annual Progress Reports
This report gives an overview of PSDI activities from January 2014 to June 2015.