Investment For Growth: A review of foreign direct investment frameworks in the Pacific

Foreign direct investment (FDI) can be a powerful driver of economic and human capital development. Investment For Growth: A review of foreign direct investment frameworks in the Pacific reviews the FDI frameworks in Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, and Vanuatu, and is designed to support countries to define their foreign direct investment objectives and develop appropriate frameworks to attract, retain, and assess FDI efficiently and effectively.
Country Overviews
PSDI has also produced two-page country overviews of PSDI’s foreign direct investment findings specific to each study country. The country overviews outline each country’s specific FDI strengths, alongside areas for review.
Download Papua New Guinea Country Overview
Download Samoa Country Overview
Download Solomon Islands Country Overview
Download Tonga Country Overview
Download Vanuatu Country Overview
Study Matrices
The study matrices provide detailed information for the report's assessments.