
Private Sector Assessments | 1 July 2005 | Fiji

Promise Unfulfilled: Private Sector Assessment for Fiji

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This private sector assessment for Fiji—undertaken by ADB before PSDI was established—emphasizes the central role of the private sector in promoting the rapid economic growth that Fiji needs to create employment and prosperity.

Political and economic uncertainties in Fiji have created an environment of little business confidence. The economy is not growing at a rate sufficient to generate jobs and reduce poverty. Fiji is challenged by a difficult phase of structural change. The Fiji Government has committed to implement private sector friendly policies and structural reforms, as reflected in Government's medium term Strategic Development Plan 2003-2005. Based on a survey of businesses in Fiji, and a review of the existing private sector environment, ADB's Private Sector Assessment for Fiji emphasizes the central role of the private sector in promoting the rapid economic growth that Fiji needs to create employment and prosperity. Specifically, the report recommends priority areas for a private sector development agenda for Fiji, as follows:

  • improve access to finance and further developing the domestic financial market
  • accelerate State-owned enterprise reform
  • enhance infrastructure service provision through public-private partnerships
  • modernize the commercial legal and regulatory framework
  • address property rights issues, including the simplification of procedures to unlock land for productive and economic uses within a traditional landownership framework
  • improve the tax and incentive system
