Federated States of Micronesia

In the Federated States of Micronesia, PSDI is supporting reforms to create an enabling environment for business, particularly through increased access to finance.

PSDI is working with the Government of the Federated States of Micronesia to:

  • Provide ongoing support to the secured transactions regime, focused on increasing lenders’ uptake of the framework, and upgrading the secured transactions registry;
  • Strengthen the commercial operations of the government-owned FSM Development Bank, particularly with the design and piloting of financing products for the agricultural sector; and

  • Analyse outsourcing options for state-owned enterprise.

Resources and Spending

Of the $109,397 PSDI has spent in the Federated States of Micronesia, $89,703 has gone to Financing growth initiatives. This has largely been used to fund PSDI’s work to increase the provision of finance using the secured transactions regime, and support to the FSM Development Bank.

Micronesia2007 2019 web

On this website, $ refers to US dollars unless otherwise stated.

For detailed information on PSDI activities in the Federated States of Micronesia, download the 2022 PSDI Country Overview here.

Federated States of Micronesia at a glance

10-year strategic plan developed

for the FSM Development Bank, as well as an accompanying business plan

Finance for agricultural businesses

PSDI assisted FSMDB with the design and piloting of an agri value chain financing facility, which will help farmers and agricultural businesses access the finance needed to operate and expand their businesses

5,500 securities registered

As of end-2019, more than 5,500 security interests over movable assets to be used as collateral for loans have been registered in the Federated States of Micronesia using the PSDI-supported registry.
Key Publications
PSDI Country Overviews 2024
PSDI Country Overviews 2024
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PSDI Annual Report FY2023
PSDI Annual Report FY2023
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PSDI Annual Report FY2022
PSDI Annual Report FY2022
This report gives an overview of PSDI activities from July 2021 to June 2022.